Calais Jungle


In November 2015, RCK fundraised for and sourced the equipment needed to create a working kitchen in the Auberge des Migrants warehouse near the Calais 'Jungle'. Over the following year we served over 1500 hot, nutritious meals a day, 7 days a week to camp residents. We continued serving throughout the many changing circumstances of the camp from Ramadan's late hours to the first eviction to the camp's final demolition in October 2016.


La Linear Camp, Grand Synth (Dunkirk)

After serving hot food in the Dunkirk makeshift camp, in 2016 we were integral part of set up of the La Linear Camp in Gande Synthe, where we funded and built self-service shops, a Women's Centre and 4 large community kitchens. Each with wood-fired stoves, sinks, tables and seating areas so that residents could prepare meals for themselves, their families and friends.

These kitchen were a great source of support for thousands of people who came through the camp till it the whole camp was destroyed and not replaced by a catastrophic fire in April 2017.